
Dragonfly Project


  • Water resources face major threats due to contamination by pollutants of various types and origins and also due to climate change.
  • There is a need for better monitoring of water resources, as existing methods are too slow to develop an operational response (alerts) and do not provide a level of public health protection in real time.
  • Maintaining the quality of water resources requires more robust, reliable and more frequent monitoring than traditional techniques.

Project objectives

Apply web/IoT technologies to acquire data that allow online monitoring of freshwater quality parameters, with a view to protecting water reservoirs against pollution and studying the impact of climate change.


  • Capacity to monitor vast geographic areas
  • Perform the spatio-temporal discretization of the collected samples
  • Provide data in real time (due to the unpredictability of phenomena)
  • Provide automated alerts and notifications


Manuel F.M. Barros

Manuel F.M. Barros

Professor Adjunto (UDE | Ci2 | IPT)

More info

Henrique Pinho

Henrique Pinho

Professor Adjunto (UDE | Ci2 | IPT)

Carlos Ferreira

Carlos Ferreira

Professor Adjunto (UDE | Ci2 | IPT)

Pedro Granchinho

Pedro Granchinho

Professor Adjunto (UDE | Ci2 | IPT)

Hugo Magalhães

Hugo Magalhães

Researcher (Ci2 | Flyrobotics)

Pedro Neves

Pedro Neves

Técnico Superior (IPT)

André Teixeira

André Teixeira

Master student (M2E)


  • Development of a mobile and autonomous robotic platform for acquiring data in the form of spatio-temporal measurements and a dispersion map of chemical concentrations on water quality;
  • Implementation of an IoT-based mobile monitoring network, allowing continuous analysis of water quality and determination of the "scale and origin" of pollution sources;
  • Development of strategies for locating Odor Sources oriented to a collaborative network of robots;
  • The results allowed 2 scientific communications and participation in 3 regional forums until October 2023.


Jornadas Científicas do IPT - Flash talk event

Jornadas Científicas do IPT - Flash talk event

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XXIII Encontro da REALP - IPT

XXIII Encontro da REALP - IPT

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XXXII Encontro da AULP

XXXII Encontro da AULP

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i9TEC SUMMIT 22 (Castelo Branco)

i9TEC SUMMIT 22 (Castelo Branco)

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OpenDay 2023 - TagusValley (Abrantes)

OpenDay 2023 - TagusValley (Abrantes)

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Alcanena Green Week

Alcanena Green Week

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[1] Manuel Barros, Henrique Pinho, Pedro Correia, Renato Panda, Gonçalo Silva (2022). O papel da inovação tecnológica e da ciência aberta no desenvolvimento sustentável das cidades e regiões– Um caso prático. In Oosterbeek L. , Gomes, H. (ed., 2022). Ciências da Sustentabilidade em Língua Portuguesa ...por mares nunca dantes navegados... Livro de resumos do XXIII Encontro de Estudos Ambientais dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. ISBN: 978-989-53070-6-7 undefined (0 b)
[2] Manuel Barros*, Henrique Pinho, Carlos Ferreira, Pedro Granchinho, André Teixeira, Hugo Magalhães, Nuno Madeira (2023). Patrulhamento de recursos hídricos em ecossistemas naturais e artificiais. Livro de Resumos do XXXII ENCONTRO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO DAS UNIVERSIDADES DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA, Ambiente e Economia Azul, Junho 2023 undefined (0 b)
[3] André Teixeira (2023). Relatório da Bolsa de Iniciação à Investigação Científica. "Development of a smart platform for water quality monitoring in natural watercourses". Centro de Investigação em Cidades Inteligentes, Nov. 2022 undefined (0 b)



Humanity faces unprecedented social, environmental and economic challenges that globally threaten life on the planet. More than ever, concern about sustainability is one of the biggest challenges facing European and global society that needs to be urgently resolved. The objective of the Dragonfly project is to implement core technologies for the deployment and management of a cost-effective mobile data acquisition framework to remotely monitor water quality with a view to protecting freshwater reservoirs from pollution. The processing of the data obtained will make it possible to identify sources of contamination and their evolution, therefore being a decision-making tool to trigger environmental protection mechanisms and lead to the rapid identification of the origins of these sources and their respective mitigation.

Manuel F.M. Barros

Manuel F.M. Barros

Manuel Barros - Is a full Professor in IPT in the areas of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. Actually, he is doing research in The Smart Cities Research Center (Ci2) in the area of environmental protection and preservation of water resources using Robotics, IoT and AI technology. He is involved in two specific research projects: the "EcomodZHC - Circular Economy of Water and Materials through Modular Constructed Wetlands" and the "DragonFly - Implementation of a mobile robotic surface water quality monitoring system" project. He is also an affiliated member of Executive Commission of Portugal, Sustainable Campus Network (RCS) and recently, integrated the KreativEU (Knowledge & Creativity European University) project which entails a bottom-up and unique alliance of universities across Europe, linking and connecting local and national heritage, traditions, crafts and folklore to a common European value, strengthening the European identity, cohesion, knowledge economy, employment, creativity, culture and welfare. 

Jornadas Científicas do IPT - Flash talk event

Jornadas Científicas do IPT - Flash talk event

With the aim of raising awareness and encouraging the adoption of open science principles among professors, researchers, research managers, students and the general public, the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar is promoting the IPT 2023 Scientific Days under the theme "40 Years of Culture, Science and Technology for Society" in Flash-Talk Event mode.
Explore the frontiers of innovation and knowledge at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar! Join us to witness 23 oral presentations and 55 digital posters from different projects and immerse yourself in 5 technological and experimental exhibitions. This event represents a unique opportunity to absorb the latest innovations within IPT, establishing meaningful connections with the community of professors, researchers and science enthusiasts.

XXIII Encontro da REALP - IPT

XXIII Encontro da REALP - IPT

Ciências da Sustentabilidade em Língua Portuguesa

XXXII Encontro da AULP

XXXII Encontro da AULP

I. Desafios ambientais
II. Benefícios da Economia Azul
III. Educação, Língua e Desenvolvimento Inclusivo

i9TEC SUMMIT 22 (Castelo Branco)

i9TEC SUMMIT 22 (Castelo Branco)

The i9TEC SUMMIT - Regional Competitiveness and Sustainability Forum is organized by the Polytechnic of Castelo Branco and includes the presentation of R&D+I projects for the agro-industrial and technological sector, round tables on industrial innovation and the valorization and transfer of knowledge and communications about the challenges and opportunities of the recovery and resilience plan, regional competitiveness and valorization of water resources.

OpenDay 2023 - TagusValley (Abrantes)

OpenDay 2023 - TagusValley (Abrantes)

TAGUSVALLEY, within the scope of the INOVC+ project – Innovation Ecosystem of the Central Region, is organizing on the 25th and 26th of May an event dedicated to the dissemination of innovation and knowledge valorization activities, which are currently taking place in the Science Park ecosystem and Technology.

OPEN DAY is an event that aims to bring together entities present in the Science and Technology Park, to publicize their resources and good practices dedicated to innovation; TAGUSVALLEY members; the Research Units of the Polytechnic Institutes of Tomar and Santarém; the incubated companies and business projects; and also, the School Community to present the work developed within the scope of T-CODE programming and robotics and the circular economy with ATÉGINA.

A program was therefore prepared with several technical workshops, competitions, exhibitions, tastings and demonstrations of innovative products developed in the TAGUSVALLEY ecosystem, and also an Innovation Party that will be spread over the two days, during which OPENDAY will take place.

Alcanena Green Week

Alcanena Green Week

Event promoted by the Municipality of Alcanena. For a week, the environment was the main stage for the celebration of the municipality of Alcanena. A program that encompasses a set of themes such as nature tourism, healthy eating, biodiversity, energy, heritage and environmental sustainability, waste management, water, development and sustainability of the territory.
Presentation of projects from the Smart Cities Research Center - Polytechnic Institute of Tomar